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What is The Best Life Diet? A diet Oprah Winfrey has had long term success with! And I'm not surprised. The Best Life Diet is a sensible, safe, effective, and easy to follow approach to eating and exercise. It just happens to be written by Oprah's trainer, Bob Greene. Greene's goal is to transform your old bad eating and exercise habits (one step at a time), into new, healthier ones that will last forever... ...and voila....you lose weight as a result of the process. Well maybe it's not as simple as waving a magic wand and saying, "Voila..." ...Change doesn't happen quickly or easily, so you're signing on for a lifestyle approach to weight loss with The Best Life Plan. What are The Best Life Diet "Rules"? You'll determine your unique calorie level - your calorie needs - and will concentrate on following a recommended number of servings from each of the food groups so that you stay in line with your calorie level. No calorie conting is required but attention to portion control is. Like many other "diet" approaches, the plan is presented in 3 phases: Phase 1: A gradual introduction to healthy habits and increase in activity level During Phase 1, which lasts a maximum of 4 weeks...
Phase 2: Getting more aggressive During Phase 2, which lasts a minimum of 4 weeks...
Phase 3: Maintenance During Phase 3, which is supposed to last forever, you'll be eating less and less of:
And you'll be eating more and more of:
The Best Life Diet PROS
The Best Life Diet CONS Greene tells you that there are foods you can never again eat. I think that's a formula for failure. Almost any food can be enjoyed as long as the portion - and the interval between indulgences - is reasonable. As I always say, there really are no fattening foods, only fattening patterns. Greene has placed his "Best Life Diet seal of approval" logo on a variety of food products he recommends as healthy. However, you should know that there are plenty more foods out there that are acceptable! I don't know if Greene gets a kickback from the companies from the sale of these foods, but I have my suspicions. My Professional Opinion Greene's recommendations are sound for the most part. Had Oprah consulted ME, I actually would have made very similar recommendations. (Now, can someone please give her my number?) If you need help getting started or staying motivated with your lifestyle changes, please feel free to contact me for professional nutrition help! Did YOU Ever Try The Best Life Diet? Tell About Your Experience!The best source of information on The Best Life Diet, is the people who have tried it. If you're one of them... More diet reviews. Back to Personal Nutrition Guide Home. |