A Simple Approach to Healthy Eating
What IS Healthy Eating?
Remember when making a "healthy" dinner was as simple as broiling a piece of fish?
Nowadays, you need to know:
- where the fish came from
- details about its upbringing (farm-raised or wild-caught?)
- how much mercury it contains
- whether it's a good source of Omega 3's, and
- whether the fillet the butcher cut for you comprises 1 serving or 12!
How is it that the seemingly simple question, "What should I have for dinner?" has gotten so complicated?
Deciphering the latest science on what comprises healthy eating has come to require a tremendous amount of expert help, but...
...lucky for you...
...I'm an expert!
In the healthy eating section of this website...
...I'll share what I've learned in my 17 years of experience as a registered dietitian.
Eating healthfully doesn't have to be as complicated as it's made out to be. It's actually very simple, though it may seem overwhelming at times.
Have no idea where to start? Freshen up on basic nutrition and the food groups. I'll then help get you moving in the right direction by helping you develop a healthy eating attitude. My successful clients have all adopted it!
You'd never get anything else done if you had to figure out how to work in all the dietary recommendations you hear about, right?! Well, I'm here to tell you...
Eating healthfully is a process, not a destination.
It's okay to adopt small changes incrementally. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare...
...slow and steady wins the race. The best way to establish healthy eating habits really is...
...one habit at a time.
I know a 70 year old woman who can do 70 jumping jacks.
The reason she can is because she started doing 40 jumping jacks every day at age 40 and vowed to add one more every year.
| recipe! | | |
| Malaysian Spring Rolls | |
 | courtesy of Pickles and Spices World |
| Recipes, tips, anecdotes and hard facts concerning exotic spices guided by a Malay Cook. | |
If you're wondering what the characteristics of a healthy diet are, or simply need an understandable guide to eating healthfully, you'll find it all here.
And I have good news for you...
...Eating healthy is possible...no matter what your lifestyle is like and no matter what stage of the life you are in.
Healthy eating is even possible in college: Avoid Freshman Weight Gain (aka, "The Freshman 15).
Interested in growing some of your own food? Want to know that only good things are going into your tummy? Visit my organic vegetable garden page.
Sometimes healthful eating isn't just possible...it's necessary. The effects of poor diet are magnified if you have diabetes. (Click for outside information on diabetes symptoms and control.)Diet and Fibromyalgia are related to. Can what you eat make a difference? Yes!! I'll tell you about the best (and worst) foods for fibromyalgia here.
Healthy dining out in restaurants IS possible!
Grocery shopping for nutritious food is simple, especially when you learn to read nutrition labels.
Need some help with healthy snacking? Or suggestions on how to satisfy a sugar craving without feeling guilty or causing damage to your waistline?
Do you know what mindful eating is? Do you do it? Maybe you need some help with emotional eating?
It's all here.
Even a smart shopper grocery list with suggested name brand products.
So hop aboard and let me be your personal nutrition guide as you embark on your own unique journey to eating healthy.
Sound like fun? It will be!
Your Personal Nutrition Guide home.
I thought I'd tell you about a few other neat sites!Nature's Health Foods offers great information on "Super Foods, Super Recipes & Super Food Remedies. Living Longer & Living Younger."
Donna, at Real Restaurant Recipes, features lots of delicious low fat salads and dressings on her site. These favorite restaurant recipes come from her own restaurant and many others. And - mmmm - some yummy, healthy salsa recipes too. Free recipes to keep your healthy diet from getting boring!"
Healthy Eating Simplified is dedicated to making healthy eating possible, even when life gets crazy. Includes tasty 30 minute meals, free two week meal planners, and quick tips that will help you eat well every day. Check out this tasty kabob recipe to try for dinner tonight.
Do you have healthy recipes on your site? Want a link? Give a link!