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Coca Cola Nutrition Facts One 12 oz can or bottle has: 145 calories and 40 grams of sugar That's 10 teaspoons.. or 3 heaping Tablespoon... of sugar! Imagine going to the sugar bowl and gulping down 3 huge spoons of sugar. That’s essentially what you're doing every time you drink a 12 oz. can of regular soda pop. Pepsi Nutrition Facts Are Just About the Same One 12 oz can or bottle has: 150 calories and 42 grams of sugar Another way to calculate soda nutrition facts: 1 ounce of cola = approximately 13 calories and 3.5 grams of sugar. Simply multiply by the number of ounces you drink. Example: A "monster big gulp" at 44 ounces =
Conclusion: Soda is liquid candy and is detrimental to your waistline! Coca Cola Nutrition Facts: Weight Loss If you currently drink soda, and reduce the amount by one 12 ounce can/bottle, day, you'd lose ~ 15 pounds in one year. Diet Coke Nutrition Facts 12 ounces of diet soda pop has: 0 calories and 0 grams of sugar Substituting diet soda for regular soda is a reasonable way to reduce your calorie intake. However, nutritionally speaking, it would be best to substitute water or unsweetened tea. :)
"I never drank soda until I went to college but then everyone drank it and I found myself drinking it more often." Even if don't become a "regular" soda drinker, indulging in just a couple a week (that you weren't drinking previously) contributes 300 additional calories to your diet/week. Over the course of a year, that's 15,600 extra calories, or 4.5 pounds. Find out how to Avoid the "Freshman Fifteen" More of My Professional Advice You May Find Useful Leave Coca Cola Nutrition Facts and Return to Personal Nutrition Guide Home Page |