Desperate to Lose Weight

by Lia
(Chicago, IL )

What is the best diet for me to lose weight fast?

I'm a 26 year old female, 5'6" and weigh 190 lbs.

I been so depressed because I have tried every pill you can think of as well as exercising, but I just get tired.

Please help me. I have given up on myself. I feel that the best choice for me is to die. What do I do?


Your desperation concerns me. Please don't give up on yourself! You are so much more than your weight so don't let extra pounds make you feeling like dying! I know it's frustrating when you feel like you're trying so hard to lose weight and you aren't getting the results you want. Whatever you do, don't give up trying.

Weight loss is a PROCESS. It's not something that happens quickly or easily. If it were, there would be a heck of a lot of skinny people running around, wouldn't there?

If you want a jump start on your weight loss, I'd recommend following a prescribed menu as with Nutrisystem, Medifast or by ordering a Diet Meal Delivery Service.

These approaches will take all the guesswork out of what to eat at mealtimes and keep your calories under control.

At the same time, please read all the information on weight loss on my website to get a better understanding of how it takes time and is a process.

Please keep me updated as to how you are doing.


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