Edamame Nutrition Facts
Edamame Nutrition"Edamame" are edible, green, immature soybeans.
They're one of my favorite foods to recommend eating.
That's because they're a good source of complete protein, high in fiber, a source of essential omega 3 fat, and rich in calcium, iron, zinc and B vitamins.
Plus they taste good!
You can buy green soybeans three ways:
- out of the pod ("shelled")
- in the pod ("unshelled")
- dry roasted
Edamame Calories, Shelled
Per 1/2 cup:
- 100-130 calories
- 9 g carbohydrate
- 8-11 g protein
- 3 g fat
- 4 g fiber
Edamame Calories, Unshelled
Per 1/2 cup:
- 75 calories
- 7 g carbohydrate
- 6 g protein
- 2 g fat
- 3 g fiber
Edamame Calories: Dry Roasted
Per 1/4 cup:
- 130 calories
- 10 g carbohydrate
- 14 g protein
- 4 g fat
- 8 g fiber
Edamame Nutrition Tip
Prioritize buying organic soybeans whenever you can.
Soybeans are one of the crops most likely to be genetically modified.
You should be aware of these monstrous creations (a.k.a., "frankenfoods)," and try to avoid them for better health.
A Guide to Choosing non-GMO Foods.
100% organic foods are not permitted to be genetically modified.
Serving Suggestions
- Snack on, cold or hot, any time of day.
- Keep a bag of dry roasted edamame
with you in the car and when you travel. - Substitute mashed soybeans for mashed potatoes: Puree with low sodium vegetable stock (ratio 3:1) and a little salt and pepper.
- Add to stir fry or salads.
- Add to rice and pasta dishes.
- Use in place of garbanzo beans in hummus recipes.
- Use in place of peas in recipes.
- Experiment with edamame recipes.
More edamame nutrition and serving ideas.
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