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Food Journal, Daily Diet Journal, Nutrition Journal, Food Diary...
It's a pen!
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute proclaims that "record keeping is one of the most successful behavioral techniques for weight loss and maintenance." The Harvard School of Public Health says, "It's easy to eat more than you plan to. A daily food diary makes you more aware of exactly how much you are eating." See? Even the experts agree with me! And remember this: it doesn't do any good to fudge! Simply writing down what you eat is beneficial, regardless of whether you choose to meticulously calculate the fat grams, carb grams, protein grams, fiber grams, sugar grams, or calories! Keeping food records can be as simple as jotting down everything you eat on a scrap piece of paper. But if you're like me and would likely forget where you put all those little scraps of paper, it's probably a good idea to invest in an official daily diet journal. Feel free to check out the diet journal I use with my clients...I developed it myself...there's even room to keep track of your exercise!
I designed Diet Write to help you keep track of any or all of the following: calories, fat grams, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, fluid, physical activity, sleep patterns and energy levels. Record as much or as little as you like. Diet Write Food and Fitness Journal is suitable for use with any diet or exercise plan and can be individualized as desired. If you don't like pen and paper, you might prefer to keep an online food diary. Many of my clients like the journal at MyFoodDiary.com While there are many ways to keep a food log and many different parameters you can keep track of in your daily daily diet journal, there's no "right way." The only "wrong way" is not to keep one at all! More Of My Professional Advice You May Find Useful Improving mindful eating through journaling with my Raisin Awareness Mindful Eating Journal. Back to Personal Nutrition Guide Home. |