Magical Shrinking Nancy
Me awhile ago
Q: What were you thinking when you decided to start a blog about weight loss?
A: I was thinking that it would help me to have someone to relate to and share experiences with. To talk about struggles and setbacks and achieving goals and for information. I know that I don't know a lot about health & nutrition and I really don't have anyone to turn to in my life.
Q: Is it helping you with your weight loss goals?
A: It has certainly helped me, because I've taken the time to sit down and state in words what exactly my goals are. It's provided me with connections to other people who are sharing their knowledge and goals, and it has helped me feel less alone. I now know that there are people out there who've lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off. Reviewing what worked for them and why helps me figure out what I can do to help myself.
Q: How exactly did you go about it? What's involved?
A: One day I decided I wanted to connect with other people about losing weight, and I knew I didn't really have anyone to turn to. So I did what's fairly typical for me, I turned to the internet. I thought about doing a blog, but I was concerned, how would I find OTHER weight loss blogs and how would they find me? So I searched for a community and I found a terrific one fairly quickly: I was somewhat surprised at the numerous results my search came back with. I chose weightwatchen because it was small but not tiny and it was dedicated to people attempting to reach and maintain weight and health goals.
Q: Have there been any benefits you didn't expect?
A: Nearly everything has been a surprise. It was much more helpful to me than I really expected it to be. I have found numorous resources through my blogging buddies that I don't know if I would have found on my own. We've all researched a little and posted a few links that we found useful. In some ways it feels like a library of useful articles specified to what we're trying to do.
Read Nancy's Magical Blog!