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What is The Maker's Diet? It's an all natural, spiritually guided approach to eating. The basis of the recommendations, according to author Jordan Rubin, are rooted in "God's original plan that He provided for His chosen people to preserve and protect them." Apparently, God's original plan didn't include Cheetos and Ding Dongs. Rubin interprets eating habits from the Bible and uses them as a basis for recommending a whole foods diet. While this isn't a quick, gimmicky weight loss program, the author promises better health and a likely decrease in body fat as a positive side effect of this approach to eating. What are "The Maker's Diet Rules"? The 40-day weight loss program is divided into 3 two-week phases: Phase 1: Correct Harmful Imbalances This is the "out with the old and in with the new" phase. Get rid of sugars, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and preservatives and learn to choose healthier foods: hormone-free, grass-fed animal sources, organic fruits and vegetables, essential fats and oils, the right type of grains, and organic milk products. Sounds like good advice (and my own advice) to me! In this phase, you're asked to pray and live life with purpose. Each day "will begin and end with prayers of thanksgiving, healing, and petition." The best part?... You don't have to subscribe to any particular religious belief to participate. However, you must be a "believer" of some sorts. Phase 2: Returning to Optimal Health This phase allows you a few more foods, while helping you establish the healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. Phase 3: Claiming Health for Life In this phase, your diet again grows a little less restricted - allowed are more varieties of fruits and dairy, as well as starches such as sweet potatoes, bread, and popcorn. Finally, after 40 days, you enter into the maintenance phase of the diet called, "Wellness for Life," in which you choose only all natural foods from that day forward. The Maker's Diet PROS
The Maker's Diet CONS
The Maker's Diet: My Professional Opinion I like the core recommendations, even if I don't agree with how the author got there. Eating a whole foods diet, rich in natural foods and free of packaged processed foods, is excellent advice, whether it comes from a visit with God or a visit with a dietitian! However... ...the best diet is really one that's tailored for you... ...one that fits your lifestyle and diet preferences, so that you'll be able to stick with it for the rest of your life. Need help determining the best diet for you? Let me help! Contact me for professional assistance. Did YOU Ever Try The Maker's Diet? Tell About Your Experience!The best source of information on The Maker's Diet, is the people who have tried it. If you're one of them... More diet reviews. Back to Personal Nutrition Guide Home.