Monthly Meal Planner

monthly meal planner

How to Use This Printable Monthly Meal Planner

  1. Print out 1 blank dinner menu calendar.
  2. Decide what you'll cook.
  3. See these quick healthy meals for recipe ideas:

  4. Nutrition Tip: Before you start looking through recipes, decide ahead of time how many days per week you'll eat chicken, fish, meat, or vegetarian meals.

    If you're going to eat chicken 3x/week for 4 weeks per month, you'll need 12 different chicken recipes if you don't want to repeat meals. Alternatively, you might pick 6 chicken recipes and repeat each one twice. Get the idea?!

  5. Write your dinner choices on the monthly meal calendar.
  6. Make a grocery list either:
    • weekly
    • for the entire month
    (Download a super cute blank grocery list!)
  7. SAVE your grocery list(s).
  8. At the end of the month, staple your monthly meal calendar to the accompanying grocery list(s) and file.
  9. Repeat.
  10. You now have a SYSTEM of making dinner menu calendars! You can re-use an old monthly dinner menu anytime you don't have the time and/or desire to make a new plan.
  11. Download this free printable monthly meal planner as much as you like!

Now that's monthly meal planning made simple!

Learn How to Organize Your Recipes:

Go to FULL LIST of FREE Meal Planners and FREE Printable Food Diaries

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