
by tac

I had a Roux-en-Y on Dec. 12th, 2007. (Nine days ago!) The surgery went well. I made it a point to get up and walk every 2 hours. Friday Dec. 14th I came home & was on a full liquid diet.

Knowing that protein is so important, I made it a point to have at least 30 grams a day. I put myself on a schedule that dictated 1 ounce of fluid every 15 minutes.

I seemed to be doing fine until Saturday, when I passed what is called 'coffee grounds'. Tuesday I was back in the hospital passing huge amounts of blood clots.

There was a bleed that, after several tests, still couldn't be located. As days went on things got better. I came home today with no indication of blood in my stool.

I'm hoping this crisis is over.

Amazingly enough, I'm not hungry but still crave food.


Comments for New-be

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What a scary but exciting time for you
by: Suzette Kroll Barancik, RD)

Thanks, tac, for writing so soon after your surgery! Let me say just two things...

1) I'm hoping this crisis is over too, and

2) I'm hoping you'll come back and, by commenting on this page, let me and everyone else know how it's going!

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