Printable Food Journal

free printable food journal

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

Use this free printable food journal to help plan your meals in advance.

See FULL LIST of free online food diary forms. Pick a food journal template that's right for you!

How to Use this Free Printable Food Diary

  1. Print out a minimum of seven food journal template copies (enough for one week).
  2. Punch holes in copies and place pages in a three ring binder.
  3. Plan what you'll eat in advance...either the evening before or first thing in the morning.
  4. Keep your food diary forms with you at all times and record immediately after eating.
  5. Compare your "Plan" to your "Actual" food intake at the end of the day, noting any reasons for discrepancy.
  6. (If you'd rather use a 6 x 9" coil bound food journal I designed, click here.)

Healthy eating isn't chaotic and random. Knowing what you'll eat in advance of meal time results in eating intentionally vs. being reactive.

Now get to it!

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