Give a Nutrition Link...
Get a Recipe Link

I am looking for delicious, nutritious recipe links! Here's the deal...

Do you have a website? Does it feature any yummy, healthy recipes? (Low fat, low sodium and well-balanced.)

If so, then I have an idea that could benefit both of us! You give me a link, and I'll give you a link.

We'll call it an exchange.


Your Yummy Recipe's Name
Filename: j0296906.gifKeywords: cartoon chef cookingFile Size: 18 KB courtesy of
Recipe Link: Name of Your Website
Your website's slogan and keywords

The link I'll give you will look like this:

I don't need the link you give me to look as nice. (Though let's both thank my hubby for desgining it!) I just need it to contain the name of my site and to appear on a page on your site concerning healthy eating or diet or nutrition or weight loss...something food-related!

Doesn't this sound like a good idea?

Here's how you can submit your recipe link. Put a link to my site on your site, then fill out the form below. (Be sure to let me know where your recipes are.) Then, after I've checked out your site, I'll let you know which of your recipes I linked to and on which page of my site you can find the link!

If you're not sure what the link to me should say, you can just type the code below into a page on your site. Type it very precisely! Unfortunately, you can't copy-paste it. :-(

paste link text anchor

I'm excited about exchanging with people who care about a healthy diet. I can't wait to hear from you!

Your Personal Nutrition Guide home.

My Healthy Eating section.

I Want to Link to Your Healthy Recipes!

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.