Running 5 miles a day no weight loss

by Sarah Gabel
(LaCrosse, WI)

I have been trying to lose weight for a long time. I am currently eating around 900-1000 calories most days. I am running 5 miles 5-6 days a week. I am not losing weight. Added weights 2 days a week.

I am 41 years old, 5'2" I have a computer job so sit most of the day.

I see from your site that my resting metabolism is 1419. Calories to maintain using very light since I sit 80-85% of the day is 2004. So to lose you are saying I should eat 1504 calories.

That is 500-600 more than I am currently eating. Wouldn't that make me gain a pound a week.

I am at the calories I am using doing past Weight Watchers which would be 18-20; equating to 50 calories a point.

Please advise as I am deperate. My husband thinks I should just go on a liquid diet.


I can imagine how frustrated you are!

I have a few thoughts.

1. Have you had your thyroid checked?

2. The days you aren't eating 900-1000 calories, how many calories are you eating?

There is research to support the notion that people restrict, restrict, then "binge".

The "binge" days are usually just enough to raise the average caloric intake to maintenance level.

3. Eating less than your metabolic rate can slow things down and actually make it harder to lose weight. I'd suggest raising calories to 1400 per day. You may gain before you lose, but that amount of calories should keep your metabolism from slowing.

4. I'd suggest keeping a food journal for 2 full weeks to document exactly what you're eating and drinking and taking a good long look over it. There was just research published just a couple of days ago that says people who log what they eat lose twice as fast as those who don't. One of the most powerful weight loss tools available may be as close as pen and paper!

If you need help reviewing your food journal, let me know!

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My response
by: Anonymous

I had my thyroid checked a few years back and it came back normal. So I assume it is not that.

I see from your postings that you write for Weight Watchers sometimes. Their amount for me would be 1,000 why is that?

I do journal and only have a 1 day higher calorie range and that is Saturdays.

Can you explain if I eat at the resting metabolic rate how that helps a person lose weight?

Read About Your Metabolism
by: Suzette

I can understand how frustrated you must be!

You can read more about your metabolism in the metabolism section:

Also, if it's been a couple of years since you had thyroid checked, you might want to check it again, as things can change.

by: nai

I have the same issues. I run 6 days a week 5 or 5 and a half miles and have not drop any weight. I am about 5 foot tall and weight about 117 lbs. I would like to get down to 110 lbs. I do at least 30 minutes weight after my cardio each day. What am I doing wrong?

As far as the diet goes......I don't eat junk food. I eat 4 small meals and in between have bananas or some sort of fruits. Please help!

Keep a food diary
by: Suzette

I can't stress enough the importance of keeping a food diary to shed light on food habits.

Use food diary software to keep track of how many calories you're eating without having to meticulously count them yourself!

Once you get it all down in black in white, the problem may become more obvious!

I also run 5 miles a day
by: Anonymous

I am 41 years old I am 5ft feet and I have gained 20 pounds. I also walk 5 miles at work too. I don't no what to do....

by: Anonymous

Add some weights in to your workouts, or even just crunches and pushups. This way your muscles will consume calories even while you're at work or whatever. Mainly though, it is good just to stay active for your health, not only for weight loss. Don't become complacent and give up. Just keep at it!

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