Skinny Me...Thanks to the Gastric Sleeve

by Ross Ronowicz
(New Zealand)

When was your surgery? May 14, 2008
Which surgery was it? Sleeve Tube Gastrectomy
Starting weight or BMI: 288 pounds
Current weight or BMI: 162 pounds

From the day of the surgery (which I was very nervous), I have not looked back.

I have gone from being a person who did no exercise unless I had to, to running 4 kms, going to the gym by pushbike (a round trip of 7 km) 6 days a week, and swimming 1 hour a day without fail!!

It has been life changing. From the day of the surgery I have not been hungry...a very weird feeling. I'm eating healthy foods. The only negative thing is that I can't eat fried chips as I get bad indigestion...but I can live with that.

I can eat nearly all foods just...less of them. If you are considering the surgery I would not hesitate.


Comments for Skinny Me...Thanks to the Gastric Sleeve

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Gastric Sleeve Concerns After Having Surgery
by: renee

I had the sleeve surgery about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I'm having a very hard time getting in liquids and food is no desire of mine. Today I have only been able to drink orange juice and 1/2 of a protein shake. Is this normal? I am feeling very nauseated and weak. Could anyone help? Suggestions would be appreciated?

Banana's tend to work out well smashed up and fruity baby foods like apple cherry meats smell really bad and i don't feel like I can eat them at all.

Extremely worried. What do ya think?

How are things going now
by: Just wonder from NZ

Hi Ross,
It's been a little time since you wrote and I was wondering how things are going now?

I had the surgery in July 2009 and haven't looked back.

Asking questions
by: Anonymous

WOW thats a good start to a very happy living life i dont really know how you got though that but it must have been scary.

just one thing when you had your sleeving done did your stomach stretch at all and do you put on more weight than before you had your surgery just wondring because i had the sleeving done as well i had it done on the 30th of july 2009

i carnt eat much at the moment but i do know when i am full because i always get this really bad pain in my stomach and then i think that means that i am full witch is a goo thing

just got worried because if i had this done then it will be a waste of money getting it done because then your gonna stretch your stomach witch means you will put on more weight

by: Suzette Kroll

Dear Disappointed,

I'm SO sorry to hear your story.

It is, however, a good reminder to others that weight loss surgery is no magic bullet and that unfortunately there's no guarantee of weight loss success.

I hope that despite the disappointing surgery results, you'll never give up and that you'll continue to work toward your weight loss goals. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? The moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

VSG Didn't Work for Me
by: Disappointed

I had the gastric sleeve surgery in September of last year. I have only lost 22 lbs. total. I lost 15 lbs. in the first two weeks, and it has taken five months to lose the other seven pounds. My sleeve does not restrict my food intake at all. It did at first, but after the first month, I could eat pretty much anything I wanted. I spent $10,000 on this surgery and I couldn't be more disappointed. My surgeon says that I have a "cascading" stomach which means the area my stomach that stores food cascades forward and can still hold what it could pre-surgery. No one told me about this prior to making my decision. I would definitely not recommend this surgery to anyone.

by: Suzette Kroll-Barancik, RD

Congrats on your weight loss!
Your story is a good reminder that successfully losing weight involves much more than simply having weight loss surgery.
Your commitment to eating right and regular exercise are good indicators that you'll continue to be successful.
You sound like you're training for a triathlon!
Keep up the good work!

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