Skinny Me...Thanks to the Gastric Sleeve
by Ross Ronowicz
(New Zealand)
When was your surgery? May 14, 2008
Which surgery was it? Sleeve Tube Gastrectomy
Starting weight or BMI: 288 pounds
Current weight or BMI: 162 pounds
From the day of the surgery (which I was very nervous), I have not looked back.
I have gone from being a person who did no exercise unless I had to, to running 4 kms, going to the gym by pushbike (a round trip of 7 km) 6 days a week, and swimming 1 hour a day without fail!!
It has been life changing. From the day of the surgery I have not been hungry...a very weird feeling. I'm eating healthy foods. The only negative thing is that I can't eat fried chips as I get bad indigestion...but I can live with that.
I can eat nearly all foods just...less of them. If you are considering the surgery I would not hesitate.