by Susan
(Columbus, OH, USA)
"I can't wait to get in the car alone so I can pull through the fast food drive-thru!"
"I hope the kids will fall asleep quickly and my husband will go to bed early so I can hit that bag of chips in the back of the pantry."
"I hate myself for eating like a pig -- AGAIN."
Surely these are not the thoughts that a thin person has. But they ARE the thoughts of fat people. In particular, they are the thoughts of THIS fat person. And there are definitely many others that accompany these throughout my day.
I have always wondered what it's like to be thin and to think like a thin person. I've always wondered if they are as tormented by the lure of food like I am. I'm still not sure about these things, but now I'm hoping to train my brain to think like one of them.
I'm reading Dr. Judith Beck's book called The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person. In it, she instructs readers to counter all the negative thinking with positive thoughts that benefit and aid in making life changes required for weight loss. That's why I named my blog Thinning Thoughts. I hope that thinning thoughts rather than sabotaging thoughts become a way of life for me. Because for me, it's not about what I eat (well, it is...but I already know what I should and shouldn't eat). It's more about my negative thought life and emotional eating habits.
I started my blog mainly because, if I can ever get my rear end in gear and start the process, I wanted to have something to look back on so I could see my progress. But I'm also a lonely person who needs encouragement from others. So, I always hope that someone will stumble upon my blog and post a comment to let me know they understand.
My blog is relatively new, so I don't have a lot of visitors yet. My goal is to post at least every other day. I lost touch a little over the Thanksgiving holiday, but I'm getting back into the groove now.
Right now, I only have one active reader/participant, GroovyBabe, who has her own blog. She is very supportive and fun to talk with. I do hope to gain more readers in the near future, and I know that I need to get out there and encourage other bloggers for that to happen.
I haven't lost any weight yet, but I'm preparing myself for big changes in my life!
I hope you'll stop by!
Thinning Thoughts
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