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Volumetrics Diet Review If I had to be stuck on a deserted island with only one weight loss plan, this would be it, hands down! That's because I could eat an entire pound of strawberries for a snack according to this diet's principles... ...if I wanted to... ...and that would be much more filling than a measly handful of pretzels. (And let's face it: I'm a little more likely to find fruit on the deserted island than packaged snack foods.) What Is Volumetrics? It's a way of eating that involves gobbling lots of food. The key however, according to the author, is choosing foods that have a high water content. That's important, because you feel physically full only after you have a particular amount (that is, weight) of food in your stomach. If you eat "dense" foods (not a lot of water content...like bread, cereal, crackers, energy bars, nuts, meat, cheese) the calories rack up faster than if you eat water-rich foods (yogurt, fruit, vegtables, soup). Imagine you had such a bad cold that you couldn't taste anything. You could eat a pound of strawberries or a pound of pretzels - each would make you feel equally satisfied and full... ...because in either case, you've eaten 1 pound of food. However, the strawberries have fewer calories because their water content naturally displaces calories. (Since water has no calories.) Check it out... You could eat 1 pound of strawberries for a snack and it will cost you less than 150 calories. Eat 6 pretzel rods (1/8 lb.) and you've already downed over 200 calories. And if there was a whole bag available, would you really stop at 6? What Are The Volumetrics Diet Rules? Include a greater percentage of high water content foods in your diet (ex.: fruits, vegetables, broth based soups) and a smaller percentage of "dense" foods (ex.: meat, cheese, nuts, breads, cereals, crackers, energy bars). It's a simple shift in mindset. At breakfast for example, have:
Get it? Volumetrics: The Positives I'll say it again... ...you can eat lots! And The Negatives If you don't like fruits and vegetables, the diet principles will be more difficult to subscribe to. Volumetrics Diet Review: My Professional Opinion: Two words... ...LOVE IT! (And I almost never say that about a popular diet plan.) I personally subscribed to this diet's principles of eating while training for my first body building competition. It allowed me to eat a high volume of food while still keeping my calorie intake under control. I continue to follow this style of eating today and strongly encourage it with my clientele.
There's a reason I refer to the Volumetrics "principles." If you expect this diet to be like other diets, telling you exactly how much to eat on day 1, day 2, etc., you're going to be surprised. If you'd rather eat more than less, the Volumetrics Diet That being said... ...the best diet is really one that's tailored for you... ...one that fits your lifestyle and diet preferences so that you'll be able to stick with it for the rest of your life. Need help determining the best diet for you? Let me help you! Contact me for professsional assistance. Have You Used Volumetrics? Tell About Your Experience!The best source of information on Volumetrics is the people who have tried it. If you're one of them... More diet reviews. Back to Personal Nutrition Guide Home. |