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Diet blogs are popping up everywhere
I'll admit it: when I got my degree in nutrition, no one told us to tell people to blog about their weight loss efforts on the internet. There barely was an internet! I am fascinated by the whole phenomenon, and I'm eager to better understand it. Maybe you are too. That's why I'm asking people who are active diet bloggers to tell me (and you) all about it.
Maybe we'll find out that you should be keeping one too! Are You A Diet Blogger? Tell Us MORE.My readers and I want to know why you blog about your weight loss struggles. Did you think it would help to go public? Has it? Please, tell us about your experience! Diet Bloggers Tell Their StoriesRead why these weight loss bloggers do what they do.
Magical Shrinking Nancy
Danielle's Droppin' Down
Ten Pounds at a Time
My Personal Journey To A New Found Me
Hot Fat 4 Sale
Thinning Thoughts More on weight loss. |